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Quotation Process

Fill Out the "Request for Quotation" Form

Click here to go to the Form

Send us your Window Schedule / Drawings

Following your request for a quotation we will contact you via your choosen method of contact. Here we will ask you to send your drawings to us.

Onsite Consulting

In case that you need help on site to choose the right products or determine sizes, please request onsite consulting in the "Request for Quotation Form".

Please note that this service is subject to charge and has limited availability.


After Review of your Drawings, we will come back to you with suggestions and potentially with questions for clarification.


Once we believe to understand your needs, we will issue the quotation.

Check by Customer

We would like to ask you to carefully check the quotation and feedback accordingly. Please also take note of the terms and conditions.

Acceptance of the Quotation

Please kindly sign every page of the quotation and send it back to us.
For corporate customers please additionally issue a purchase order.

Order Process

Acceptance of Quotation

By signing the Quotation or by issuing a Purchase Order.

Order Confirmation + Deposit Invoice

We will issue an order confirmation and the deposit invoice.

Transfer Slip for Deposit

Please kindly send us the transfer slip, and advise in case that withholding tax has been withheld.

Site Measurement Service

If Site Measurement is part of the offer, we will make an appointment for site measurement.

Please be aware that the site needs to be appropriately prepared in order to conduct the entire site measurement correctly and efficiently.

Click here for more information on the prerequisites.

Self Measurement

In case of small orders and/or straight forward installation circumstances, you might opt to provide us with the measurements for the windows.

Please note that in this case we cannot responsibility for the fit of the windows

Confirmation of Specification

Based on the site measurement, we will issue the specification (sizes, windows types, opening directions, hardware) which has to be approved by the customer prior to the start of production.

Please note that this is the latest point where changes can be undertaken.


The standard production time is about 4-6 weeks after the confirmation of specification.

However, in special urgent cases an expedited service might be possible. Please kindly inform your timeline requirements during the ordering process.

In case that you would like to defer the delivery, this shall be informed prior to the start of production. Later postponement might incur storage charges.

Ready for Delivery

Once production is completed, we will send an according notification to the customer together with the billing note for product delivery, and a suggested installation date - in case that installation is part of the offer.

Please note that this bill must be settled two days prior to delivery in order to book transportation.


The duration of the installation depends on the quantity of window elements and on the quality of the preparation. Please take a look at the didcated article on how to prepare the site adequately.


The handover shall take right after the completion of the installation. The handover may take place in batches (e.g. floor by floor) in case of big projects or other circumstances that require so.

The final payment is due with the handover.

Begin of the Warranty Period.