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Site Measurement
Ensuring a proper fit.

Besides for aesthetic reasons, a proper fit is also crucial for the smooth operation of your doors and windows.

We consider a good fit as:

Rectangular installation of the frame (no rhombus) Completely leveled running tracks Proper flushness with the inside floor (if desired) No outward, inward tilting, or twisting of the vertical (wall-mounted) profiles Homogenous gaps of around 5mm on either side
When to measure?

In order to not invalidate the measurement values, no alterations to the openings shall be done after the site measurement.

That means that at the day of the site measurements:

All openings must be completely rendered and ideally skim coated (if) All faces of the openings must be straight and rectangular All corners between faces shall be sharp and not rounded off The finished floor levels must be known and clearly marked; either by floor marking or offmet (meter line)

To ensure complete, correct, and efficient measurement, please also prepare the following for the measurement day:

Accessability to all windows Scaffolding/ladder where needed A layout plan of the site that helps to locate the windows Information on height difference between inside and outside floor