
Product Portfolio
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Request a Quotation

First of all, we would like to Thank You for considering Grafinger to be part of your project.

We believe that a successful construction project can only be achieved through a collaboration based on transparency and fairness.

Therefore, it is crucial for us to learn more about your needs, your expectatations, as well as your project's constraints before we can offer a product or service to you.

We would appreciate if you could invest a few minutes to answer our questionaire designed to start the project.

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A) Contact Information
Customer Type
Tax ID (for Corporate Customers)
Phone Number
Can we contact you on a Messenger App with above number?
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B) About your Project
Where is your Project located?
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What is the Scope of your Project?
What's the nature of your Project?
How will the Property be used?
Which Floor is the Project on?
Are there any Obstacles to Delivering the Products?

What is the current Stage of your Project?

In terms of Timeline - when do you plan the Products to be installed?
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C) Scope of Work
Do you require on-site Consulting?
[On site Consulting will be Subject to Charges that will be credited in Case of Order.]
Do you require Site Measurement Service (for Production)?
Do we have to remove old Windows?
Do you require Protection Service for Furniture, etc.?
Do you require Protection Service for our Products after Installation?
(Please note that this is only partially possible for openable units)
Do you require End Cleaning Service once your Project is finished?
Are you interested to purchase Extended Warranty?
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D) Your Priorities / Expectations
Please choose and rank below characteristics in regards to the overall Project?

Do you especially worry about any of the below points?

What do you expect from the Glass?

What do you look for in Terms of Frame Design?

Do you require Insect Screens?

Opening Habits

Which Glass Tints/Coatings are you interested in?

Which Frame Colors do you like?

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E) Specific Likes
If you have already selected products, please select and add them to the list below. You can also auto add also the products you liked on our page.

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Any further Comments?